So what we do is give drummers, new drummers, who are taking their first steps into the performing world, a chance to show the world what they can do - with a chosen charity benefiting. You know all that already, that's why Drummers to the Rescue exists. The gigs are happening and we've recorded one full album with a bunch of brilliant guest musicians that will be released on 29th April 2022. That was a fun experiment, in which every student and musician randomly jammed to an agreed bpm and it's been mixed together with rather exciting results. The album is called: Hanging Out with Friends Having Adventures in Peculiar Rhythmical Dreams. It will raise money for The Trussell Trust.

Next up, we're going for something more...structured. What we need is songs. Original songs, 'donated' to us by the writer/artist/band. We need a minimum of 12 of them for this to work. A drumless song, that my students will write a part for, learn, and eventually record a part for. They'll rehearse it relentlessly in the lesson, they'll be creative, they'll learn how to write a drum part themselves - the experience will be invaluable for them. Eventually we'll have 12 songs, 12 different drummers, a unique and hopefully beautiful album that will be released for Macmillan Cancer Support. 

If you're a songwriter who fancies submitting a track, drop Paul a line:
More information at: