Paul has had two more reviews for Harvey Greenfield is running late, both from authors/writers who have seen the show over the last week.

Review by Michelle Golder
An intricately constructed show that inspires both belly laughs and heartache. Paul Richards plays Harvey, whose kind heart is out of control. Running as fast as he can to meet the needs of those he loves - and avoid the demands ofthose he’d rather leave behind - Harvey never quite makes time to deal with his own issues of loneliness, insecurity, and bafflement at a world that seems too big for him. It’s true fringe: no set, one man and some impressive voiceover cameos by two actors, playing I lost count of how many characters, but the superb writing and Richard’s gawky, engaging, and fearlessly truthful presence raise it from storytelling comedy to proper drama. His delivery is hyperspeed and relentless – I ended the show feeling I’d missed some of the many layers, but that just made me want to see it again. Well worth the hour spent.

Review by Tracey Norman
I began this year's Fringe experience with this cracker. Paul told us early on that he had had a long drive to reach Barnstaple and had had three cans of Red Bull. I have no idea if this was true or part of the show, but if it was true, then I was surprised that it was only three cans (I reckon it was actually five minimum). Paul's shows zing along with barely contained energy as his latest beautifully observed, socially awkward, well-meaning character crashes headlong towards disaster in what had to be the WORST DAY EVER.

Poor Harvey Greenfield - lovely, sweet, well-meaning chap who just can't say no. To literally anyone.This habit, which endears him to all around him, from his partner to his boss, causes him nothing but anguish as he hares around trying to please everyone - all in spite of his girlfriend's pleas and warnings.

Harvey's life is a car crash waiting to happen and happen it does, in an ending that I half-expected, but really hoped he would avoid. Because no matter how manic, or frustrating or cringeworthy Richards's characters are, you genuinely feel for them as they fumble, bewildered (mostly), through their lives. I wanted to sit Harvey down in a nice cafe and give him a strong cuppa and a pasty, frankly. And that is part of the joy of Richards's performances (as well as wondering just how many words he can say in one minute!) In just a few short (awkward) minutes, he has you totally on-side. I hope that he will be back again next year and am looking forward to seeing what heart-wrenching poignancy will accompany the Red Bull in 2020...